Channeling of my ex and 2 babies

Good morning Linda Salvin,

Thank you for yesterday’s session! It has been heavy on my mind all night and has opened my eyes even more to see signs & confirmations from my loved ones that have passed over. I am still in complete awe. Many of the things you mentioned yesterday, LITERALLY no one else knew or only Jeannot, Jeannell or baby Jeannot knew. It brings so much relief to my heart knowing the 3 of them are together, happy & what my children’s personalities are like. Lots of questions that have been unanswered in my mind for years are now answered. Always being anxious & scared to live or do things because of the fear of what close loved one will traumatically die next, I have some relief from that. I always thought i was too small for God to notice me, but after yesterday’s phone call….I am soooo blessed & protected I am thankful. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being you & having this special connection to the other side! I was meant to meet you. I saw you on TV many years ago, then when you initially came on Storm’s channel I recognized you. I wanted to reach out then, but I decided to wait. A year or 2 later, now we meet & you give me something so special…so close to God. I will definitely be reaching out again soon & regularly. There is 2 parts to the reading I would like to touch back on….I’m sure you already knew that too lol, wow. I am so thankful! Thank you so much!

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